Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Do you remember going to Vacation Bible School as a child? You made a macaroni necklace, got to play dodge ball outside, have Graham Crackers and watered down juice, sing, memorize scripture and learn about Jesus! What an amazing time in a child's life! I have lots of fun memories of VBS! This week I am having the privilege of volunteering at VBS at our church. I have been doing registration outside in the parking lot. I get to see all the kids jump out of the cars so excited to be there!! It is so neat to see the joy on their faces and their excitement to bring their friends! For those of you out there who have kids I strongly encourage you to sign your kids up at your church or if your church does not have VBS find a local one that does! For those of you who don't I strongly encourage you to volunteer to help out in VBS. It truly makes a difference in a child's life!


  1. Our VBS always had a fun bounce house and we'd always try to pull it down on top of us for fun. I loved going to VBS and trying to win the award for bringing the most friends!

  2. We are having bounce houses on Friday!!
