Sunday, August 16, 2009

Oh Snap...I'm going to be a Mom!

Yep! You read it right. This little blogger is going to be a mommy. I still can't believe it. Scott and I have known for about a month and decided to just tell immediate family and some close friends at first. I had my first appointment earlier in the week and they officially confirmed what I already knew, though nothing really prepared me for seeing my sweet baby on the monitor and hearing his/her heartbeat. That was a bit overwhelming! Scott sent me a text at one point and asked, "so, are we pregnant?" I was like, "um, yeah." I think he needed a doctor to confirm for him before he really got excited. Then he asked me, "twins?" And why would he be asking me that...well the entire week/weekend before my appointment I was ridiculously sick and supposedly when you're really sick it means you may be having more than one baby (who knows how accurate that is, but that's what we read). Honestly, I've never been so sick in my entire life(thus my reason for not blogging last weekend) was all stinking day...nothing wanted to stay was HORRIBLE! I had already decided we were just having one kid by that point because if I had to go through this type of 'morning' sickness every time I would die. Maybe not really, but it sure felt like it. Fortunately things started looking up this week, and I haven't spent near as much time with the porcelain devil as I had the week before. THANK YOU GOD! I still got some nausea drugs from the good doctor though, just in case. So, anyways, Scott and I are really excited about Baby O (the little one's nickname for now) and can't wait to find out the sex. So far everything is looking good, and I'll do my best to keep you posted as things progress. We would appreciate your prayers during this exciting time in our lives.

Momma O : )


  1. No worries! I was soooo sick everyday my first trimester and of course we only have Reagan!!

  2. Yay!!! Congratulations! Praying for a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby!!!
