Really, I don't support any of the ideas displayed in these shows, yet find them what does that say about me? I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle, yet it's right in my face each week watching Grey's really by watching- I am supporting it? I know that as a Christian I can be "in the world" and not "of the world"- so does that make it okay to support these types of shows by watching them- I am not sure. I would like to say that they don't affect me, and mostly they do not, but I will say that I am probably a little more desensitized to immoral behavior from my exposure to these shows...however, I can also watch these shows and think I would never do that or that is so ridiculous!
So, I still don't know the answer to this- if I take it back to scripture I am challenged because in Phil 4:8 it says, "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think on such things..."- so do I turn of the TV all together? I know we have the Holy Spirit to prompt us on things where is the balance in all of this? Just something I've been thinking about...would love to hear any thoughts??
gee, staci. thanks for writing something all spiritual after what i wrote about yesterday! :) just kidding. i think this is a great topic and probably something many of us think of quite often. i think the ol' "if in doubt, don't" could apply here. i've made it now 2 seasons without watching GA (for different reasons), and i've survived. i definitely don't think this is a black and white issue, and those are the kinds i prefer!