Sunday, August 1, 2010

Same Song, Different Dance

I, like my fellow ADKOS friends, also came to know the Lord at a young age. Nine years old to be exact. I am so horrible with details that I honestly cannot remember where I was when I asked Jesus into my heart, plus I have mommy brain, so everything is a little hazy on top of that. I can safely say that I was either at church or at home though. One thing I do know for sure, I was baptized on May 10, 1987, at Lamar Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas. I can also tell you that two of my classmates, Matt Wills and Billy Peel, were also baptized on that date. (I do remember that oddly enough). I am blessed to have Godly parents who have always lifted me up in prayer and who thought it was important to have me and my siblings in church (which was pretty much every time the doors were open) when we were growing up.

My relationship with Christ is just that, MINE. While we all have similar stories on how we came to know Christ at a young age, we do not have similar testimonies of what God has done in our lives since that first step of faith. Thank you God for that. How boring would it be if we all had the same story! It's like I mentioned a while back in my Hot or Cold post, we were all created uniquely and we all have a unique relationship with my relationship with God is not like anyone else's relationship.

I can tell you that my relationship with God has had its share of ups and downs, times when I was on fire for God, and times when I walked down the wrong path. Through everything God was right there with me, even sometimes carrying me through those dark times.

My testimony right now is this: I am a sinner, saved by the grace of God! I am not perfect. I am a work-in-progress. God is teaching me to trust in His provision for my family (my husband was laid off in May, just 6 weeks after our son was born). My relationship with Him is not strong right now, but I'm working on it through daily Bible reading and time in prayer. (And you know what, I think that pleases Him.)

So even though we've all asked Jesus into our heart (Same Song), it's our unique relationship with Christ that sets us apart (Different Dance). I for one have enjoyed reading everyone's testimony this week and hope you have too.


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