Friday, July 30, 2010
Long ago, in a land far away
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Jesus in my heart...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My Boring Testimony
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Amazing Grace
On my first day of school, in 1984, my mom gave me a red Zondervan NIV Bible. My first big-girl Bible. While the pages have long since separated from the binding, I still have that cover, because written on the inside, in my 6-year-old hand, is the following:
APRiL 7, 1985
EasTeR Sunday
I ask'ed JeSuS into my heaRT
Like I said, I was 6, so my memory isn't crystal clear, but I'm pretty sure I was sitting on a bean bag in one of the back bedrooms at my Mema's house after church; my mom answered some questions and made sure I understood, then prayed with me. Even now, I remember knowing that something big and wonderful had happened, that I was changed.
Due to my apparent need to document these types of things, I have another Bible (navy blue this time) with the following written inside (in my 11-year-old very round cursive handwriting):
I was baptised on:
5/13/90/ Mother's Day
My brother and I were baptised together. I love the words I always heard said during baptisms - "Buried with Christ in baptism, raised to walk in a new way of life." If you dissect that phrase and really think about it, it's deep. It's awesome. Your old life, your past mistakes, your shame, your guilt is GONE. It DIED WITH CHRIST ON THE CROSS and your life is new. Praise God!
I think one of the great things about a testimony is that it keeps changing and growing. Those pivotal moments of salvation and baptism are obviously constants, but the rest is an ever-evolving story. I have had dark times in my life, times when I strayed far, far, FAR away from God. Times that I was too ashamed to tell people I was a Christian because I knew my actions were not an accurate reflection of the Christian life. Even darker times when I stopped worrying about that.
God is merciful. God extends grace. God forgives. Thank you, God. He never let me go; He never turned his back on me. He kept showing up, and waiting, and drawing me home. I am not perfect, and neither is my life. I have a list of faults and foibles a mile (or two) long, but I have learned that a life without God is meaningless. I have learned that I can't do life without Him and I don't want to try.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.
Monday, July 26, 2010
I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior in March of 1985 (I was 7 at the time). I had been going to church every time the doors were open since I was first conceived (my mom even delivered me on a Friday and we were at church on Sunday). So I had heard about Jesus hundreds of times. I distinctly remember riding my bike in my neighborhood (it was safe to do this back then and I didn't have to wear a helmet) and having a conversation with God. I told God that I knew who His son was and that I knew that He sent His Son to die on the cross for my sin. I immediately went home and told my mom. And that day I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. I went forward and prayed with our pastor on Sunday and was baptized the following Sunday, April 7th which was Easter. So Easter is always an extra special time for me! And of course I was only 7 years old so my sins consisted of things like disobeying my parents and being mean to my sister. My relationship with Christ has always been pretty strong, and of course there were times when I strayed from what was God's best for me. But those were times God was allowing me to mess up so I could learn from my mistakes and strive to be more like Him!
I hear people, that started their relationship with Christ at an early age, say that they don't really have a testimony like someone who was radically saved later in life. And my comment to that is that how much more of a testimony do you have that because you were saved at an early age you were kept from years and years of darkness. I am so so so glad that I can say that I have known Christ for 25 years!!
If you do not know Christ I encourage you to seek Him! Ask anyone of us and we can share Christ with you!!!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Scott and I went to Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico on our honeymoon and stayed at the Grand Velas Resort. We enjoyed a breathtaking view of the ocean from our room, meals that were truly delectable, and a staff that catered to your every whim. While all this was fabulous, it was our excursions that definitely made the trip so memorable. One day we went and swam with the dolphins. I have always loved dolphins and how beautiful they move in and out of water, so to be able to swim with them was so exciting. I was pretty intimidated at first, but these dolphins were so friendly and well-trained.
Our other excursion was to go on a whale watching tour. We just so happened to be going to Nuevo Vallarta at a time when Humpback whales migrate to the area, so we jumped on the chance to go on a tour. We loaded up in this little motorized raft boat (no joke - I could have leaned over a bit and put my hand in the water - Mary would not have approved) and set out into the ocean. Our tour guide was awesome and taught us all about the whales we would be seeing. There were several other tours going on in various size boats, but what made our little raft so fabulous was the ability to take off quickly when someone spotted a whale. I was truly blown away at my first whale sighting. Remarkable. Graceful. Beautiful. God's magnificent creation. I fell in love instantly (which is probably why I love watching Whale Wars on Animal Planet). An unforgettable experience!
To top it all off, I was able to experience everything with my new hubby!

Friday, July 23, 2010
Homebody on Holiday
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Vacation is my love language!!!
I LOVE to travel...over the years I have been able to visit some fun places- so it's hard to say what my favorite vacation is???? So, I may have to include a couple of trips...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I Have to Pee on my Arm??!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday was a normal day. Did our normal routine. When I got Reagan up from her nap she had 102 temp, but had not shown any signs of being sick. So I gave her meds to bring down her fever and then came downstairs to play for a little bit before lunch. My husband John had come home for lunch to mow (his parents were flying in that afternoon). He had finished mowing and came in to grab a quick bite before going back to work. He gave Reagan a couple of pieces of cantaloupe and turned to me to get some more and when I looked at Reagan she was hunched over to one side, her eyes had rolled into the back of her head and she was shaking. I screamed for John. He rushed over and grabbed her out of the seat. We thought she was choking so he did the heimlich, but there was nothing there which meant she was having a seizure. She started turning blue and I called 911 while he breathed into her. Ambulance on the way, she started breathing but was totally limp and moaning. She slowly started being able to move her legs and arms. Ambulance showed and up and took her. I rode in the front and John followed behind in the truck. We got to the ER and they hooked her up to all the machines. By that time she was screaming and crying. She was saying mommy and daddy and Abby (her doll) and giving high fives and kisses. Another one of our pastors came in to make sure we were ok and he offered to pick up John's parents from the airport. Very grateful for that! They put in an IV in Reagan and drew some blood for tests and took some x-rays. We were there almost 5 hrs. The x-ray showed a little bit of bronchitis which caused the fever. Which caused the febrile seizure that she had. The ER dr. said that 1 out of 25 children have a febrile seizure and 1% of those children have more than one (we are hoping and praying she is not in that 1%). She checked out just fine and we got a prescription. The next day you would never have known Reagan had a seizure. She was back to her normal crazy fun self. Today I took her to her pediatrician to do a follow up and Reagan checked out just fine. I am so thankful to the Lord that He protected my precious baby girl! It was the scariest moment of my entire life, but I can clearly see the Lord's protection over our family! And I have to give props to my husband for just doing what needed to be done without any hesitation or freezing up. And as a result of this event, I am definitely going to get CPR and First Aid certified and I encourage all of you to do so!!! Here is my husbands blog post about what happened.
So on a lighter note.... John and I have been on several amazing vacations. But my all time favorite vacation was our trip to NYC we took 2 years ago. John surprised me for my 30th birthday with a 6 night/7 day trip to New York. We stayed in the DoubleTree (a couple of blocks from Time Square). And if you have ever stayed at a DoubleTree you know they have the most amazing chocolate chip cookies ever. I mean ever! We had such a great time eating at incredible restaurants and sightseeing. Here is a brief list of all the things we did.
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
took the subway down to Ground Zero
cruise down the Hudson River and up the East River
top of the Empire State Building
toured NBC studios and SNL stage
top of the Rock (whoa that was high up)
American Museum of Natural History
But the highlight of our trip was going to see Mary Poppins on Broadway. We got to sit on the 2nd row and it was just phenomenal!! It was just an absolute fabulous vacation and I can't wait to go back! Here is a pic of us on top the Empire State Building.

Sunday, July 18, 2010
It's Gettin Hot in Here

So take off all your clothes! It is so stinking hot that we've stripped down to the bare essentials at our house. I love Texas, but man, the summer can be brutal. Makes you want to just stay inside and hibernate.
Hope everyone is having a great summer. I'm off to go stand in front of the freezer door for a bit.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Clinically Proven
"Gently massage into all areas of the body where stretch marks occur 2 times a day. For best results, apply a sufficient amount to the affected areas in the morning and evening and massage into your skin in a circular motion until absorbed."
It says that with consistent use, I should begin to see noticeable improvement in about 4 weeks and optimum improvement in 12 weeks. The cream is supposed to reduce discoloration, improve texture, and enhance softness.
This may seem a bit silly to do, but I don't care. I'm willing to try it out and see if a) the cream works and b) if my stretch marks disappear even a little bit. (Every little bit helps, right?)
So here's my before picture (I'm comfortable enough to show you my belly...stretch marks and post-baby flab):

And in 4 weeks, I'll post another picture to show if there's been any progress. (here's to hoping...and maybe I'll start doing some crunches during that time too)
In the meantime, I wonder if there's anyone out there willing to share what they did in order to get rid of their stretch marks...would love to hear from you.
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Wisdom of the Veggie Patty
...Burger King. Not exactly what you had in mind, right?
I’m terrible at bringing my lunch to work. It bores me. I’ll have a good streak, and then one day I’ll suddenly decide that if I don’t physically remove myself from the building for at least an hour a day I might self destruct. The trouble is that there aren’t a whole lot of great options near my office. I work in an area that I like to call the Industrial Ghetto. It’s a little piece of no man’s land sandwiched between four intersecting highways, a railroad, and a river. It is stuffed with warehouses, manufacturing plants, and beaucoups of 18 wheelers that are the bane of my existence. The neighborhood is all business during the day, but I wouldn’t advise visiting at night.
The location makes it tricky to get in and out of the area if you’re not familiar. One wrong exit, and you’re stuck in a series of loops that will set you down 10 minutes out of your way and leave you scratching your head wondering how to get back. I can’t tell you how often people get lost on the way to meetings we’ve scheduled. All of that to say, getting out for lunch is a hassle. My lunch of choice would be fast casual – Jason’s Deli, Pei Wei, something like that, but fast food is much more accessible from here, so it becomes the default.
So what have we learned by trying something new today? Let’s see… At least with fake meat you don’t have any expectations? Burger King wins the fast food apple war? Hand sanitizer stains pants? Panhandlers shouldn’t target women alone in their cars? That every sentence in a paragraph probably should not end in a question mark???
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Something new...well sort of

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The New Girl

Monday, July 5, 2010
Something New
Last year John bought a bullet reloading machine. And last week he finally built a table and put it together. So I reloaded my first bullet today. It was really interesting to learn how a bullet is put together! Here is the process: FIrst you load the primers into the reloading machine. Then you take the brass and slide it into the first position and as you pull the lever down it reforms the shape of the old brass and takes out the old primer. Then you push the lever forward and it puts in the new primer. Then you slide the brass into the second position. As you pull the lever down it loads the brass with gun powder and bells the casing. Then you slide it to the third position. You place a bullet on top of the brass and as you pull the lever down it seats the bullet to the proper depth and position. Then you slide it into the fourth position and as your pull the lever down it crimps the brass and removes the bell of the casing. Then you slide it down the shoot and you have a reloaded bullet! And I learned that a .45 caliber automatic colt pistol bullet costs about 44 cents a piece if purchased at the store and if we reload our own bullets it costs about 11 cents. So this is a big savings (maybe i can use the difference to buy myself a new Chi since mine broke last week). And don't worry the bullets we are reloading were only used in target practice! Here is a pic of me reloading the bullets.